Sunday 22 May 2011

Human trafficking

Lock me in that dunjeon hole, give me pills to make me sick, wack me till i shit my pants, call me stanky coz i do. Make me work from dawn to night, make me starve all day for weeks, tell that man to make me bleed, coz he's got my panties down. She says i've been a bad girl, He says i've been a bad boy, they say i've been a bad kid and yet i've been a good kid I can be a good girl, I can be a good boy, I can be a good kid, I WANT TO BE A GOOD KID Please don't leave me in that hole, it's really dark- it scares me out, that man on me is heavy- he makes it hard to breath. Please don't make me work all day, don't beat me up and give me pot, I'd rather have you give me food, three meals a day would really do. COZ I PROMISE IMA BE A GOOD KID Give me books and give me toys, give me shoes, a yellow bag, I really want to go to school, I'd really like to make some friends. I want a place to call my home, my mom and dad- i wan them back, could it ever be or is it just a dream, am i dreaming? If that's so, I'd rather stay asleep. COZ I PROMISE IMA BE A GOOD KID.

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