Tuesday 5 July 2011


Babies being dumped in dustbins,
we do NOTHING about it!
And we do NOTHING!

There's a tale I'd like to tell- well I'm not sure if it's still considered a tale if half some of it is TRUE.

There once was a girl who found out she was pregnant
See she got nervous- she was afraid of how her father would react
So she went on for 8months without having told anyone about it.
Her family? Somehow she managed to hide it from them
One night she started experiencing so much pain
I guess this is what we'd call labour
But see, she had no idea of what was happening to her
So she put her shoes on and headed outside,
out the yard, past the shops and into the fields...
She lay there, afraid and all alone...
She felt it was time, she had to get it out of her...
She pushed and pushed, until IT WAS.
This small little infant layed before her,
So beautiful, so innocent
Its cry draped the fields...graced the world for the very first time
She was nervous, she panicked, there was no maternal love to start off with.
To her it was just some obstacle that could ruin her life
So what does she do?
She takes off the baggy top she's wearing underneath that baggy jersey,
Puts it around its neck...and STRANGLES IT TO DEATH...
Covers the face with the cloth...she sees a plastic bag...
Puts the baby inside the bag, ties it up and THROWS IT AWAY SOMEWHERE IN THE FIELD where no one should find it.
She heads back home without so much as looking back!
Why should she, she's fixed the PROBLEM, she didn't want a baby to begin with.


Time passes by, an old lady passes by two dogs fighting over a torn plastic bag, it REAKES, something falls out- LOOKS LIKE A LIMB.
The old lady chases the dogs away from the stinking bag; she asks her grandson who's with her to open the bag to see the cause of this smell...
He takes the cloth off to discover a small head- ALMOST UNRECOGNISEABLE...
Soon the enter neighborhood is there to see.
And what do they do? They take a crate and bound this infant within it, a rock an top should keep the dogs from getting to it, at least until the cops come.
With this infant on the side of the street, bound within this crate, WITH A SMELL SO STRONG! SO LOUD! I remember standing there in tears, shock, ANGER to witness people going back to their daily rites.
To them, just like the mother of this baby, it meant NOTHING, they'd already forgotten about this baby...THIS TINY INNOCENT LITTLE INFANT WHOES FUTURE WAS TAKEN AWAY...BECAUSE OF WHAT THIS WORLD IS... BECAUSE OF GREED!!!
They suffer and what do we do about it?
They CONTINUE to suffer and what do we do about it?
It's time we stopped doing NOTHING about it!
It's time we stopped FORGETING about it!
It's tome we stopped IGNORING it!
It's time we did SOMETHING...ANYTHING!!!


This blog is dedicated to the little infant whose spirit, might roam the field of Palm ridge.
May you rest in peace. And to the mother, whoever that may be, I hope that one day you find love, peace, forgiveness and GOD in your heart.

To all my fellow Youth ambassadors, this is a lesson learnt- let’s make a difference

Love- Bot.


Sunday 22 May 2011

Human trafficking

Lock me in that dunjeon hole, give me pills to make me sick, wack me till i shit my pants, call me stanky coz i do. Make me work from dawn to night, make me starve all day for weeks, tell that man to make me bleed, coz he's got my panties down. She says i've been a bad girl, He says i've been a bad boy, they say i've been a bad kid and yet i've been a good kid I can be a good girl, I can be a good boy, I can be a good kid, I WANT TO BE A GOOD KID Please don't leave me in that hole, it's really dark- it scares me out, that man on me is heavy- he makes it hard to breath. Please don't make me work all day, don't beat me up and give me pot, I'd rather have you give me food, three meals a day would really do. COZ I PROMISE IMA BE A GOOD KID Give me books and give me toys, give me shoes, a yellow bag, I really want to go to school, I'd really like to make some friends. I want a place to call my home, my mom and dad- i wan them back, could it ever be or is it just a dream, am i dreaming? If that's so, I'd rather stay asleep. COZ I PROMISE IMA BE A GOOD KID.

Thursday 19 May 2011

let kids be kids

There is a girl somewhere that wakes up extra early every morning, gets her siblings ready, and takes them to pr-school. Every morning she is late for school and doesn't have the soul to tell the teacher why, because she comes from a background where families are not suppose to hang their dirty linen. Everyday she sits in class her mind is occupied with what to make for supper, this then making her class session totally useless as there is no concentration.

Everyday at break time she mingles with that loud bunch- she is so social, with so many friends. Its a pity they don't hang out at all after school, because everyday she has to rush from school to get home early in order to wash those dishes, mop the kitchen floor, make all the beds, literally spring clean the family room and still make time to put something on the stove before 5pm strikes. Why, because everyday at 5pm she heads for the community pr-school to fetch her siblings. Everyday after fetching her siblings, she's back at the stove and trying to manage the quarrels of her siblings at the same time.

ner is served. Thank goodness the house is not in a state and the siblings are safe- I know her parents would have been upset if this wasn't the case. Everyday at 8pm she gives her siblings a bath and puts them to bed before she can take a bath. It is 10pm and she still hasn't attended to homework, because everyday at this time she is lieing in bed, exhausted from the days demands. YET, she goes to sleep with a smile on her face.

She is so happy, why not? She sees no wrong with the rules in her parents household, after all, it's all she knows of. EVERYDAY she wishes she could get married soon so she can be a REAL housewife. This coming from a teenager, who should be focusing on school, going out with friends, seeing the world with dreams of being a lawyer, doctor or artist, anything that lets her be a teenager. Parents please, I'm not saying don't implement rules on your kids, just make sure that they are not too harsh. Let kids be kids.

If you have a friend that you have just realized you don't know much about, PLEASE get to know them . who knows it might be the girl i wrote about. and if it is, don't make her feel stupid - no, just open up her eyes to the greater things in life the world has to offer.
To all my fellow youth ambassadors - Together we can clean the world of its impurities.

love- Bot.